Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Missed Week 9...On to Week 10

I have been a complete slacker. I am really quiet sorry about that and promise to try harder next time to stay up to date. I have been extremely exhausted and with finishing classes for the summer I have pretty much been doing nothing. Well except for still working three days of the week. I only get two more weeks of this luxury and then it is back to school full time.

I feel great though. I am so thrilled that I have made it through almost all of the first trimester without an real problems. I really can't complain. I appreciate T-Bone's ability to keep me sickness free...not sure how much he really has to do with it though. But I love him for it anyways.

We have made it to week 10 and T-Bone is now the size of a prune or a walnut which everyou prefer. He is almost an inch and a half long and weights .18oz. Still so tiny! The bones and cartilage is starting to form and the vital organs are beginning to function. The arm joints are also now working. Last week T-Bone grew his little fingers and toes. He is a very miniature baby now! Well almost. I am also not as worried anymore. Now don't get me wrong I am still worried just not as much. My next appointment is still two weeks away and I am really looking forward to it.

Since I have had a couple requests for the belly pictures I figured there is probably enough difference to go ahead and post a couple. Although I haven't gained any weight yet!! my pants are tighter, actually much and I have resorted to using the rubber band trick for a few pairs of jeans. **Stephanie you are not allowed to make fun :-)

This was Week 5!

This is Week 10!


Plain Chicken said...

You didn't pull your jeans down far enough (thank goodness!!!)! LOL!!

Go buy some jeans girl - Pete is rich. I bet Dannye will give you the $$. Milk it!

Iva Messy said...

awww hi little baby in there!!